YSEALI Summit in Luang Prabang, Laos - Sustainable Development
"… Today, we commit ourselves to new Sustainable Development Goals, including our goal of ending extreme poverty in our world. We do so understanding how difficult the task may be. We suffer no illusions of the challenges ahead. But we understand this is something that we must commit ourselves to. Because in doing so, we recognize that our most basic bond - our common humanity - compels us to act…"
- President Barack Obama (2015)
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YSEALI Academic Fellow @ Arizona State University in Luang Prabang, Laos |
There are so many things that we have to do
There are so many fights to do to get the better world
Therefore, we must work harder
We must work like never before
Kata-kata di atas adalah hal utama yang aku pelajari dari YSEALI Summit di Laos pada tanggal 5-9 September 2016 kemarin.
Sepanjang summit, jantungku berdetak cepat dan mataku bersinar kagum karena peserta-peserta YSEALI Summit.
Mereka sangat hebat, mereka benar-benar sangat hebat.
Mereka adalah orang-orang yang memiliki hati tulus dan lembut, ya, mereka adalah matahari yang berjalan di muka bumi.
Once, I asked someone, "Why did you leave chevron and chose to help farmers?"
and he answered, "Because it makes me happy"
Kata-kata itu membuatku sangat tersentuh dan terharu
Then, my friend asked him again,"What did your family say about it? didn't they object it?"
He answered," My family always support me and what's bad in helping farmers anyway? Helping farmers is a very good thing. I am happy because of it, it is not a sacrifice."
He answered," My family always support me and what's bad in helping farmers anyway? Helping farmers is a very good thing. I am happy because of it, it is not a sacrifice."
They do great and beautiful things in life, they live their lives meaningfully.
YSEALI Summit, sekali lagi, telah membuka mataku dan memberikan pelajaran sangat berarti.
Semoga semangat untuk berjuang senantiasa bergelora
Semoga keyakinan dan kepercayaan akan kebaikan senantiasa mengakar lebih kuat di dalam hati
Semoga segala harapan dan cita-cita kita untuk membantu banyak orang dan menjadikan dunia sebagai tempat yang indah untuk tinggal dapat tercapai
Semoga kita memiliki hidup yang bermakna dan indah
Karena aku barusan nonton film Rudy Habibie, I would like to use one of the phrase ;D
Faktanya : The world needs us, younger generation
Masalahnya : The world needs us, younger generation
Solusinya : The world needs us, younger generation
Dari sekian banyak blog yang aku baca dan kunjungi, blog putri tetap yang paling favorit! semua mengalir apa adanya, meaningful! keep blogging putri tetap menginspirasi ;)