
Showing posts from November, 2015

Thank you my family


Midnight Surprise 20 tahun - Aku sangat bersyukur karena kakak2 dan teman2

SEMUAAA!! Smilee!  Bukan hanya sekedar kuee, ini waffle! Waffle! The one and only, WAFFLE!

Surat kecil dari diriku yang berusia 20 tahun ke diriku di masa depan

The best years in life are about to come. Wishing you a very warm welcome to the second decade of yours. A brand new decade is waiting for you. What more could you ask for? Happy 20th BirthDay Putri! :D Hari ini aku sedang menikmati indahnya malam di Singapura dan merayakan dekade baru dalam hidupku. Berusia 20 tahun adalah saat aku berjuang untuk mimpi-mimpiku. Aku jatuh, terluka, hancur, menangis, frustasi, tapi aku tidak pernah berhenti. Di usia 20 tahun ini, aku ingin menulis surat untuk diriku di masa depan, seseorang yang aku harap dapat menghadapi semuanya dan membuktikan kalau aku yang sekarang bukanlah pengecut. Seseorang yang menyebar kebahagiaan dan sehat selalu, dengan wajah cerah dan tawa renyah. Hati yang selalu dipenuhi kehangatan dan kasih sayang. 20 tahun adalah turning point di dalam hidupku. Congratulations. From now on you are officially old, Putri! =D Jadi, di postingan kali ini aku ingin menulis surat untuk diriku di masa depan. --...

11 things that I wish I knew when I was 20

Advice from 30 year old me to 20 year old me I recently turned 30. For some very odd reason I’ve not warmed to the idea of it just yet. However as I began to evaluate my 20s I realised how many mistakes I’ve made and things I’ve learned in a decade of life. I took some time to write myself some advice. 1) Travel You have very little responsibility so go and travel. When you get to 30, you’re going to want to travel slightly differently, spend a little more, do slightly more expensive things, eat at slightly better restaurants. So work for a year and save enough money to experience the world on the cheap. How do you know what you want to do if you don’t know what’s out there to do? Don’t just travel to the obvious places. Travel to the tough places. Travel to learn. Travel to discover. Travel to the places that will challenge who you think you want to be.

TF LEaRN Journal Report "We Are Many, but One. TF LEaRN 8th Journey"

THE BEGINNING OF MY GLOBAL JOURNEY TF LEaRN Batch 8- INFINITY Infinite Friendship Infinite Learning Journey Infinite Dream I.   WELCOME TO SINGAPORE “A Journey of thousand miles always begins with single step” Singapore is the first country that I visit and the first step that I take in order to become a Global citizen. I will always remember this experience. Before I came to Singapore, I had already known that Singapore is a very beautiful and well developed country. As I came here and experience many things, I realized that Singapore is even much more amazing than what I had imagined before. Everything seems so perfect, well organized and beautiful in Singapore. It is not only about the places, but also the cultures. I find myself completely immersed within the different culture in Singapore, such as the cuisines, races, architectures, and languages. The thing that I am very interested in Singapore is about the people. I can see that there are 3 main raci...

Tempat Impian Putri

Kalau seseorang bertanya, "Apa yang kamu dapatkan dari Singapura Put? Aku bakal jawab, "Mimpi" Ya, aku mendapatkan lebih dan lebih banyak mimpi setelah hidup di Singapura selama 4 bulan ini. Tidak hanya mimpi semata, tapi rasa percaya yang kuat kalau mimpi-mimpiku akan terwujud. Bertemu dan berbagi cerita dengan orang-orang dari berbagai negara, dengan pengalaman yang berbeda-beda, budaya yang berbeda telah membuka cara berpikirku sehingga menjadi luas dan terbuka. Ada beberapa tempat yang menjadi tempat impian yang pengen aku kunjungi 1. Korea Koreaaaa! Terutama Jeju-do :D #korbandramakorea Pasti indah sekali melihat pantai yang indah dan bunga-bunga kuning yang menari bersama angin. Aku juga pengeeeeen banget memakai hanbok :"

Infinite - LEaRN Scholars @ NTU Batch 8

Infinite Friendship Infinite Learning Journey Infinite Dream

3 Idiots - Beautiful Quotes

Sir, I have learnt to stand up on my feet after having broken both my legs. This attitude has come with great difficulty . No sir, I can't. You may keep your job, and let me keep my attitude. -Raju Today my respect for that idiot shot up. Most of us went to college just for a degree. No degree meant no plum job, no pretty wife, no credit card, no social status. But none of this mattered to him, he was in college for the joy of learning, he never cared if he was first or last. -Farhan Qureshi Learning is not memorizing the exact words from the book. Learning is understanding it and being able to explain it in your own words. -Rancho

Sang Pencinta Cahaya


What is the difference between youth leader and adult leader?

November 4th 2015, Shaw Foundation Alumni House Auditorium, National University of Singapore There is one moment, one moment that makes my eyes spark brightly in TF LEaRN Leadership Forum That makes me focus on stage and being amazed, really It is a Word from Mr. Benedict Cheong, the CEO of Temasek Foundation He asked us,"What is the different between youth leader and adult leader?" There are several answers from my fellow TF LEaRN scholars, they are: 1. Experience. Adult has more experience than youth 2. Youth has no fear, in contrast with adult who work based on institution's system 3. Youth has a vision. Adult does their work. 4. And I forgot~ hehehe Then, what is the answer from Mr. Benedict Cheong? He said these words