Classes @ Nanyang Technological University Singapore

Yuhhuuu I've started my college life in NTU, class after class
I love it here, there are 3 kinds of classes in NTU, they are:
1. Lecture
2. Seminar
3. Tutorial

Seminar meant that there were roughly 50 students in each classroom sitting around round tables in groups of about 6 people. For some seminar-based courses the first meeting was organized as a seminar before the students were divided into smaller classes. All of the classes were very interactive and professors eagerly asked for student’s opinions and perceptions. You can see the seminar room below.

Lectures meant that a few hundreds of students were sitting in an auditorium which made the atmosphere way less interactive. The seminars were quite long, most of them lasting for 3-4 hours. There was at least one break in the middle of the seminar which made it feel shorter. 
I haven't come to Tutorial class yet so I will just update later. You can see the Lecture Theatre below.

I got 17 Aus (Academic unit) or SKS (credits in Indonesia) for this semester which my courses are
1. Environmental Sustainability
2. Operation Research
3. Quality Control
4. Marketing
5. Management Decision Tool
6. Engineering Communication

For now, I have attended all of courses except engineering communication, why? Because engineering communication is Tutorial Class. Tutorial class will be started from Week2. I haven't attended Quality Control too since I have just got this course from add/drop period.

How is class in NTU Put?
I love environmental and Operation Research, I can understand what the professors said well since they have a clear accent and not talking too fast.
But I feel kinda boring in other several classes since I hardly understand the lecture.
Singaporeans has a singlish things which is fast and difficult to be understood, haha
Or maybe it's me who is not very fluent in english so can't understand the lecture well.

So here I am, in my seminar class room and write this post. :)
