
Showing posts from July, 2015

My Dream

I want to inspire someone I want to be the source of hope for someone So that someone will come to me and say "Because of you, I fight and I win"

Friendship in Love

Marry your best friend. I do not say that lightly. Really, truly find the strongest, happiest friendship in the person you fall in love with. Someone who speaks highly of you. Someone you can laugh with. The kind of laughs that make your belly ache, and your nose snort. The embarrassing, earnest, healing kind of laughs. Wit is important. Life is too short not to love someone who lets you be a fool with them. Make sure they are somebody who lets you cry, too. Despair will come. Find someone that you want to be there with you through those times. Most importantly, marry the one that makes passion, love, and madness combine and course through you. A love that will never dilute - even when the waters get deep, and dark.  -N’tima
Cinta sejati itu sama sekali tak takut dipisahkan jarak dan waktu. Cinta sejati itu ada dalam hati.

Fall in love With Someone Who Inspires You

By: stephanie althoff I don’t really care how you spend your time. I mean I hope you have hobbies, and it’d be cool if we have some in common, but as long as you spend your time doing things you enjoy, that’s cool with me. I don’t really care about your education. Do I hope you have one? Absolutely, that’s important to me. But I understand that it isn’t for everyone. Do I care about your job? Nah. But please, please, have a job that you enjoy doing. That’s all. I really should reiterate. Because I DO care. I care about each and every aspect of you, even the ones I don’t always want to care about or the aspects you wish I wouldn’t care about. I care to know you — and knowing you involves all of those finite details previously mentioned. What I’m saying is that you’ll deviate from what I always envisioned. You won’t have every characteristic I always thought that I wanted in a man. And that’s okay. But there’s one thing I need from you — one thing I really, truly value: I need you t...

Cerita anak laki-laki, Hafiz berusia 4.5 tahun

Td sblm sahur,saya melihat acaranya ust. Yusuf Mansur di televisi.. Menghadirkan seorg anak laki2 yg sggh luar biasa.. Namanya Fajar, beliau lahir preterm (prematur), 28 mgg dg BB 1.6 kg. Beliau jg menderita cerebral palsy dan katup jantungnya ada yg bocor.. Fajar baru bisa berbicara di usia 3.5 th. Tahu apa yang pertama kali keluar dari mulutnya? Bukan "ma-ma" atau "pa-pa" seperti anak pd umumnya.. tapi yg pertama kali keluar adalah ayat2 Al Quran :"""" Bgm bs spt itu? Ayahnya, dg kondisi anak yg dilahirkan spt itu, ia sgt sabar dan terus membacakan Al Quran 1/2 juz pada pagi hari dan 1/2 juz pd malam hari utk anaknya tsb, setiap hari... Ibu dan ayahnya bilang, "kami ingin lingkungan yg terbaik utk anak kami. Kami putarkan murrottal 24 jam sehari." Dan maa syaa Allah, sesuatu yg sebetulnya tdk direncanakan, sesuatu yg sepertinya hanya kebetulan, Fajar hafal 30 juz Al Quran di usia 4.5 tahun 😭😭😭😭 Ketika td pagi, scr live...

Curhatan Pemilik IPK 4 - I study hard for my dream, touching many people's life

Udah lama pengen cerita tentang gimana perasaan dan reaksi orang-orang kepada *pemilik IPK 4* Aku tulis sekarang, walaupun IPK ku bukan 4 lagi, melainkan 3.97 (hingga semester 3) dan karena nilai semester 4 nanti aku curiga dengan IPK-ku, jadi aku cerita tentang IPK 4 sekarang ya Haaaaai!! :DD Semester 1 Alhamdulillah aku dapat IP 4 di semester 1. How was your feeling, Put? back then? Daripada dibilang bahagia, perasaan gak percaya lebih mendominasi hahaha :D ada perasaan awkward yang aku rasa Tapi satu hal yang aku ingat adalah kebanggan papa, mama, dan adek-adekku memiliki anak dan kakak yang bisa punya IPK 4 :)) Pelajaran yang aku dapetin saat itu adalah "Actions speak louder than words"