
Showing posts from September, 2013

How does it feel? XD aku Mahasiswi UGM sekarang..

Haii!  Haha It still fresh in my memories how things were going on in the past last year Kalau ditanya "sekarang", kapan masa paling complicated di hidupku itu, jawabannya adalah ketika aku kelas XII sma.. Sometimes, It is still weird realizing the fact that Now I am here, in Jogjakarta, atau lebih tepatnya adalah seorang MAHASISWA. No Uniform, No jam malam, No family around, Jadwal yang tidak teratur, No same friend, No Absoluteness

William H. swanson ~> Industrial Engineer :D Biography and Contribution

Swanson graduated   magna cum laude   from   California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo   with a bachelors degree in   industrial engineering He was selected as the Outstanding Industrial Engineering Graduate in 1972, and in 1991 was recognized as an Honored Alumnus by   California Polytechnic State University College of Engineering . Career: Raytheon Company, 1972–2002 => manufacturing manager of equipment division, chairman and CEO of Raytheon Systems Company, senior vice president and general manager of missile systems division, executive vice president, and president of Electronic Systems; 2002–2003, president; 2003–2004, CEO and president; 2004–, chairman, CEO, and president.

Willliam Shakespeare quotes ^__^


A. Alan B. Pritsker Biogrhapy, Award, Contribution Industrial Engineer :D

1` this too, for matkul Introduction to Industrial Engineering.. XD yahu!~ A. Alan B. Pritsker   (February 5, 1933—August 24, 2000) was an American   engineer , pioneer in the field of   Operations research , and one of the founders of the field of   computer simulation . Over the course of a fifty-five-year career, he made numerous contributions to the field of simulation and to the larger fields of   industrial engineering   and   operations research A.Alan B.Pritsker is President and CEO of Pritsker Corporation. He graduated from Columbia University with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering.

Its always about my passion ; UGM versus STAN?

Aseeek.. Greget kan judulnya?  haha Aku lulus di Teknik Industri UGM (industrial engineering gmu) melalui jalur sbmptn gini nih pengumumannya Sebenarnya aku takut banget gak lulus kemarin, soalnya nanti aku bakal ngecewain orangtuaku. jadi, waktu aku buka pengumuman dan lihat pengumuman ITU, aku langsung nangis terisak-isak saking bahagianya looh! :D Alhamdulillah ya Rabb aku peluk mama, nenek, bunde, adek lia, bg ajid, SEMUAA nya deeh saking bahagianya..

100% Engineer XD


Shigeo Shingo~ Inspiring Industrial Engineer :D

Got a task from Mr. Subagyo for MatKul Introduction to Industrial Engineering :D Gotcha share~             Shigeo Shingo was a Japanese industrial engineer who is considered as the world’s leading expert on manufacturing practices and the Toyota Production System . Dr. Shigeo’s expertise was a result of his wide experience and knowledge in what can be called modern day industrial engineering.