
Showing posts from March, 2016

Cerita tentang Pergi

"Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving ." - Terry Pratchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Putriiii, udah pulang?" "Astagaaaa, kamu ikut ujian Put?" "Kapan sampai Put?" "Gila, serem amat balik-balik langsung UTS Put" Kalimat-kalimat di atas adalah sambutan dari temantemanku 2 hari ini :D Aku baru aja sampai di Jogja hari senin pukul 8 pagi dan harus menghadapi UTS ku hari Selasa (1 matkul) dan Rabu (2 Matkul) setelah mengalami total perjalanan (pesawat dan transit) dari Washington DC-Jogja selama 35 jam. Gimana ujiannya Put? Hasilnya belum keluar jadi enggaktau, hehe Tapi aku enggak akan menyesal sedikitpun, bag...

Life is like a bike. Strong, proven by autodesk inventor =D

Dear Putrii :D This is a bike,

Graduation Speech Of Jessica From The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

“When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like, Astronaut, President or in my case, a Princess. When we were ten, they asked again.  We answered rock star, cowboy or in my case, a gold medalist. But now that we’ve grown up, they wanted a serious answer. Well, how about this - who the hell knows? This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love – a lot. Major in Philosophy because there is no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind and change it again because nothing’s permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way someday when they asked what we wanna be, we won’t have to guess – we’ll know. ”

An Engineer's Hippocratic Oath

I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity . I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due; I will be loyal to the profession of engineering and just and generous to its members; I will lead my life and practice my profession in uprightness and honor ; whatever project I shall undertake, it shall be for the good of mankind to the utmost of my power; I will keep far away from wrong, from corruption, and from tempting others to vicious practice; I will exercise my profession solely for the benefit of humanity and perform no act for a criminal purpose, even if solicited, far less suggest it; I will speak out against evil and unjust practice wheresoever I encounter it; I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics, or social standing to intervene between my duty and my work; even under threat, I will not use my professional knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity ; I will endeavou...

Be like Rhino Putri

Dear Putri, this is special for you =D

YSEALI Academic Fellow SEED @ Arizona State University

I love these pictures so much :D

Beautiful Antelope Canyon

Ayo maaaaaaain =D Tebak gambar apa yang dibentuk di Antelope Canyon iniiii  

Hujan Matahari Lautan Langit

Seperti hujan, semoga kehadiranmu menjadi berkah untuk mereka yang menunggu Seperti matahari, semoga kehadiranmu menjadi kehangatan untuk mereka yang rindu

Percakapan Mama dan Putri tersayang

Putri: Mama... Kakak(putri) capek sekali bolak-balik pergi seperti ini. Badan kakak mulai melemah dan mudah sakit. Kalau ke Amerika lagi nanti, kuliah kakak gimana ma? enggak kuliah beberapa hari aja membuat kakak berusaha keras untuk mengejar ketinggalan, apalagi bolos 5 minggu ma? Kakak juga kangen sama teman-teman dan kuliah ma. Kangen sekali. Kakak capek sekali ma. Mama: Selalu ada yang harus dikorbankan Kak. Itulah hidup kita. Setiap kesempatan harus diperjuangkan, jadi siapkan keberangkatan ke Amerikanya dengan baik. Kalau memilih untuk bersenang-senang di Amerika, harus terima resiko untuk lelah dan berjuang keras untuk mengejar ketinggalan. Jangan khawatirkan apapun, lakukan semaksimal kakak saja nanti. Mama tahu kalau kakak akan melakukan yang terbaik yang kakak bisa. Kalau memang sulit, gapapa untuk ulang 1 semester lagi. Hadapi dengan kuat. Dan akhirnya hati yang berat inipun terasa lebih ringan. Januari 2016, melalui telepon, antara Medan dan Yogyakarta

Putri and the Beautiful Sky
